Importing emails filed with Newforma is both fast and simple via the Bulk Uploader. 

By default, the Bulk Uploader sets the Import source to Collections files so be sure to change it to Newforma.

Set the Root Folder: to a top-level folder on your server and the Bulk Uploader will automatically find all the folders below that which contain emails. 

The folders are shown in the left-hand list; the right-hand list will disappear.

NOTE: The last part of the folder path will become the location name.
For example, if the path is P:\Projects\P002345 Rigby Mount the location will be
P002345 Rigby Mount

Also note that the Bulk Uploader will upload all emails found in any sub-folders


TIP: If you don't want the Bulk Uploader to upload emails that it finds in sub-folders, use the File System folder import method instead